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1st Birthday Party!

Photo du rédacteur: Roxanne K. DemersRoxanne K. Demers

Dernière mise à jour : 25 juin 2023

One year already! Calmness Hotline's studio opened its doors during the first week of July 2022. One full year of discovery, learning, and self-improvement for each person who has crossed the threshold. I offer to you a summary of the highlights of the past year in my next article.


On Saturday, July 1st, you are invited to the festivities to celebrate the studio's first anniversary. On the menu: free classes both inside and outside the studio, as well as a celebratory buffet.


I sure did! Classes will be offered for free starting at 9:30 am! There will be classes inside the studio focusing on aerial hammock and movement wellness, as well as pole classes outside at Parc Pélican. The format will be 30 minutes, which will allow you to try classes that you haven't tried before, or to add an extra workout to your week.

Discover the full schedule and click on the buttons to register now :

At the studio :

Come tone your glutes and abs with movements inspired by ballet-barre, using the hammock

Work on calisthenics-inspired movements on the hammock to train the upper part of your body and improve your inversions skills

Learn a short sequence on spin that will work on your coordination and flexibility

Work on all of your muscles to improve your endurance and prevent injuries

Explore how to create a character and tell a story through an aerial hammock choreography

Come and relax with this guided meditation accompanied by sound bowls

At the park :

Come work on the specific muscles that are needed in the execution of different pole dance movements

Revisit movements learned in the beginner level by joinning them together in a combo

Discover basic pole dance movements (level 1 and 2)

Bring your heels and learn a Pole Flow sequence that you can interpret according to your own definition of sensuality


Starting at 2pm, whether you participated in the morning classes or not, the entire community is invited to Parc Pélican to celebrate, connect with other members and of course, enjoy some food. There will be a potluck-style buffet that you are invited to participate in... but there may be a few extra surprises there!

There will also be two stage poles and a hammock mounted on an A-frame rig to celebrate in the only way we know : an Aerial Jam. Have fun filming your best combos or exploring positions in pairs or groups, everyone is there to have fun and encourage each other.

This is an event you don't want to miss on Saturday, July 1st. Come celebrate with the entire Calmness Hotline team. As the party is taking place in the park, the number of guests is unlimited, so make sure to tell all your friends!

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