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Why is Pole so Expensive?

Writer's picture: Roxanne K. DemersRoxanne K. Demers

Ah, this eternal question... Don't get me wrong, I also think pole classes are expensive, especially if you compare to a "regular" gym that can offer incredibly low prices per year. It can definetly feel like it's targeted towards certain privileged people. But pole studios have to charge this price, they don't do it only to make the bank. Let's go through some reasons why this sport can be so difficult to afford.


Even though Pole is getting more and more known, it is still some kind of underground activity that people don't really understand until they've experienced it. It is also a dangerous sport that could lead to injuries if not done properly. So not only do a few people practice it, people who become coaches need to know what they're doing and make sure every student can trust them with their life.

This type of qualification requires good training and certifications and studio owners have to pay their coaches their worth. If you wanna take private classes with professionnals, you have to consider their years of experience and all the training and preparation they had to do themselves to reach a higher level of understanding of the sport.


Once again, this can be a dangerous sport. You don't want you pole studio to have cheap wonky poles or untrustworthy looking rigging for their aerial classes. The professional equipement that can endure loads of people everyday for years require a good investment from the beginning.

Obviously, more poles in one room will cost more from the get-go, but it also means that the studio can welcome more student at the time. Especially if the studio space has seperate rooms and can have multiple classes at the same time. It will create a higher traffic, so it becomes profitable faster.

And specialized equipement as such requires a particular kind of insurance. Insurance for the people, if someone gets hurt, as well as insurance for all the poles, crash mats, riggings, ceilings, hammocks or hoops if the studio offers such classes, mirrors, etc. in case something bad happens to the space. It doesn't make a huge difference on the price you pay as a student, but it does add up to the final price point.


Just like housing, the area code will influence the studio's rent or mortgage - as well as municipal taxes. The cooler the neighborhood is, the higher the price. But the more chances the owner gets to receive new students who were just curious when they passed by.

What can also highly influence the price is if the studio belongs to a bigger entity. Some studios have many different locations in different cities, provinces or even countries. Becoming the owner of a franchise, under the name of a company that alreday exists, will make it easier to request loans and find new clients. But then you lose your ability to make the space your own, because you have to follow guide lines. It always depends on the owner's point of view in this kind of business.


If you understand and agree with all I just said, but you still find Pole to be too expensive for your current situation, I have something for you!

Did you know that the Community Halloween Pole Show that happened a few weeks back (on Halloween, duh) is among other great things a mean to raise money to create bursaries that you could benefit from?

That was the main idea behind the very first Halloween Show and the organizers still find very important to give the chance to someone who couldn't otherwise continue (or start) doing pole. If you find yourself in a position where you could need a little help to afford pole classes, write an e-mail to before November 31st explaining a little bit of your situation and how you would benefit from this bursary and you could win one month of unlimited training at one of the participating studios : Nomade, Pole Station or Calmness Hotline.



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